Media Page


  • Ergonomic mouse pads mouse_pads.jpg (prevents wrist injuries)

  • Red Sox win - red_sox_win.wmv - 1.4 MB

  • VW tv ad (fake) - VWSmallButTough.wmv - 1.3 MB

  • Toyota tv ad - Toyota.mpg - 2.4 MB

  • Devil makes work for idle hands - WhatOldPeopleDoForFun.mpg - 2.7 MB

  • Imagine this...  You just came to Texas Tech University as a freshman... You get the opportunity to make it big time as the football teams "BELL RINGER" during their games... Your whole family, all of your friends, and millions of ESPN viewers will see you on a Saturday telecast ringing the team's bell....  But to your whole family, all of your friends, and millions of ESPN viewers you DO NOT appear to be ringing the teams bell... - bellringer.wmv - 0.8 MB

  • What happens when a Japanese baby is born? - WhenJapaneseBabyisBorn11.mpg - 1.4 MB

Humor - Workplace:

Humor - Drinking:

Cool Tech:


This page was last updated Wednesday August 10, 2005
Lee Toma online v3.0